Hertford Yoga Shala Yoga in the Heart of Hertford
         Hertford Yoga Shala  Yoga in the Heart of Hertford  

Contact Information

You can contact us at:

Eliane Codiroli (Elly)





Different classes suit different people. If you are unsure please contact me to discuss your individual needs.

You'll find a friendly welcome at The Hertford Yoga Shala!

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Name of company: Hertford Yoga Shala

Registered office: 50 Thornton Street, Hertford, HRT SG14 1QH

Contact details: m. +44 7946 508134 / e. purpleelly@sky.com

Business ID no.

VAT no.

Regulatory authority: British Wheel of Yoga, 25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7RU, 01529 306 851 // Yoga Alliance UK, 25 Rodney Street, Midlothian, Edinburgh, EH7 4EL, United Kingdom, +44 (0) 845 230 7009

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© Hertford Yoga Shala